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Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.

I was so excited when Pam Peck asked me if I wanted to go to Washington D.C. and be present at the Presidential Inauguration. We didn't know who would be President quite yet, but I HAD to be there. My parents were great at supporting me in it and helped pay the way for me to attend. And there it was Barack Obama would be the one standing up there.
The morning of the inauguration was so exciting. We woke up SOOOO early and stood in a tunnel for HOURS with a bajillion people packed into it. I never again want to be standing in a under ground tunnel. As we got closer and closer to the gates, people started getting really rough, and they closed our gate. I was really upset, but then they reopened it. WHOOPIE!!!! Half of our group got in before they had to close it again due to security reasons and not being able to check everyone's belongings and tickets. I didn't get in.
As we stood outside the gate wondering what to do next an older man walked by us with a hand held TV. He didn't have tickets but wanted to be as close as possible when this all happened. Another man was on the phone with his wife across the country, playing it on the speaker. It was such an amazing experience to sit with all these people and listen to this historical moment when just moments ago I had been locked out.
I honestly would not have had it any other way that to have experienced the inauguration under a tree in Washington D.C. with complete strangers giving all we had to that we could all say, "I was there."


AggieMay said…
Sounds like it was cool. I watched it on TV like most of the nation. Very exciting you got to be there.

And thanks for updating the blog. :)
Julie said…
I'm sorry if Maggie makes you cry, but I'm really enjoying your April blog posts. Don't stop.
Chris said…
Sare that makes me happy just reading it. That's so cool.

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