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Showing posts from 2010

Today's thanks giving....

CLASS TIME THE ABILITY TO MULTI TASK CLASSMATES THAT ASK GOOD QUESTIONS I am grateful for all three!!! So I use class time as learning time and work time. Today I was able to schedule one on ones, read bids, and answer e-mails AS WELL AS…. LEARNING!!! I learned about the population pyramid… and that in Germany it isn’t a pyramid! I Also learned the AMERICA is not the only blender. Other countries have diversity too… Okay I already knew that but I was really glad that Jay was willing to ask that question, because I got to hear other people’s experience in other countries… I want to go to another country! I am also thankful for seasons!!! I love living in Chubbuck/Logan because we have seasons!!! Yesterday was fall and today it’s snowing!!!! Love this. Most people would complain, but why complain? Some people do not get to experience fall leaves and snowfall!!! We live in a great place! Clocks that stop- In my last class of the day, the clock stopped at 12:00 and 00 Seconds! ST

My 5 thankfuls

I just wanted to tell you the 5 things I am thankful for today..... 5. Friends... I know everyone says all of these but really I am so thankful for my friends. I have been super homesick these last few weeks and I have been blessed with 3 of the greatest friends back home! Camille, Kelly and Katie I just love all three of you SOOOO MUCH! I am so blessed to have these girls that support me 100% and want the best for me! They are truly the best! I am also thankful for friends who forget my birthday... because they remember eventually and are genuinely upset, and that lets me know they care. 4. ROOMMATES :] -- I truly do not think any girl is as lucky as me! These girls are my best friends! I can honestly say that I look forward to the weekend being over because i know that then all of them will be back home and at school with me! 3. MUSIC- Today in Church, I just realized how amazing music was. I mean I always knew but today it really hit me. We snag "Because I Have Been Given Much&

The Song of my Week

I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason . We’re not just tossed by the wind, or left in the hands of fate. But sometimes life sends a storm that’s unexpected. And we’re forced to face our deepest pain. When I feel the heartache begin to pull me under... I dig my heels in deep , and I fight to keep my ground. Still, at times the hurt inside grows stronger . And there’s nothing I can do but let out... Just let me cry. I know it’s hard to see. But the pain I feel isn’t going away today. Just let me cry. Till every tear has fallen. Don’t ask when... and don’t ask why. Just let me cry . When I agreed that God could put this heart inside me. I understood that there would be a chance that it would break. But I know HE KNOWS exactly how I’m feeling... And I know in time He’ll take the pain away. But for now... Just let me cry. I know it’s hard to see. But the pain I feel isn’t going away today. Just let me cry. Till every tear has fallen. Don’t ask when... and don’

And Start A Revolution…

So Danielle introduced me to Boom Boom Cards. They are really great! Boom Boom Cards are just cards that have a random act of kindness on them to do, it’s like a challenge or secret mission that just help you spread the love and make the world a better place. I loved the idea so much that I bought my own deck (okay, okay!! My mom bought them… THANKS MOM !). So I have had these cards for awhile and planned on finishing the revolution before school ended, but that didn’t happen so now I will start again and actually accomplish some of the cards. So, here goes! Card # 20: Leave a note of praise, encouragement, or love for someone to find in an unexpected place . I couldn’t decide on who to do this for because there are so many people that I should thank, so many people I love so much, and so many people that could use some encouragement. I feel like I need to work harder on this one and just let people know how I am feeling and also let people know I care and am right behind them to e