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Showing posts from June, 2010

The Song of my Week

I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason . We’re not just tossed by the wind, or left in the hands of fate. But sometimes life sends a storm that’s unexpected. And we’re forced to face our deepest pain. When I feel the heartache begin to pull me under... I dig my heels in deep , and I fight to keep my ground. Still, at times the hurt inside grows stronger . And there’s nothing I can do but let out... Just let me cry. I know it’s hard to see. But the pain I feel isn’t going away today. Just let me cry. Till every tear has fallen. Don’t ask when... and don’t ask why. Just let me cry . When I agreed that God could put this heart inside me. I understood that there would be a chance that it would break. But I know HE KNOWS exactly how I’m feeling... And I know in time He’ll take the pain away. But for now... Just let me cry. I know it’s hard to see. But the pain I feel isn’t going away today. Just let me cry. Till every tear has fallen. Don’t ask when... and don’

And Start A Revolution…

So Danielle introduced me to Boom Boom Cards. They are really great! Boom Boom Cards are just cards that have a random act of kindness on them to do, it’s like a challenge or secret mission that just help you spread the love and make the world a better place. I loved the idea so much that I bought my own deck (okay, okay!! My mom bought them… THANKS MOM !). So I have had these cards for awhile and planned on finishing the revolution before school ended, but that didn’t happen so now I will start again and actually accomplish some of the cards. So, here goes! Card # 20: Leave a note of praise, encouragement, or love for someone to find in an unexpected place . I couldn’t decide on who to do this for because there are so many people that I should thank, so many people I love so much, and so many people that could use some encouragement. I feel like I need to work harder on this one and just let people know how I am feeling and also let people know I care and am right behind them to e