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Really long explination

*NOTE: for short explanation check the six sisters blog

It was Thursday, and i was restlessly sitting around and checking my e-mail like none have seen before. So I finally got the e-mail on Friday while I was at Relay for life! uggh!

so let me walk you through the process I went through to receive such an e-mail...
So the 3rd or 4th week, Jordyn and I were tricked into joining our Area Government with PIE!!! yes of all things it was the Banana Cream Pie that started this headache of a year! so I went to eat pie with a few "invitation only" people, and took my pet flamingo. after we had sat there for awhile, I realized I was at the AREA ELECTIONS! so thin I was like "well frick, might as well" so I ran for Programming and Events as a serious candidate and because I didn’t think it was a good idea for someone to run unopposed, I also gave a RIDICULOUS speech with my flamingo and ran for Networking and Communications Coordinator (I didn’t even know what that person did... all through my speech I kept asking the lady in charge!)... well a few days later my RA Heather Day (bless her heart) came by with complete excitement and informed me that I would be working as the Central Campus NCC and that I had a meeting on WEDNESDAY!! haha

so all semester I have been working without Area Government to better Central Campus, as well as working with the NCC Chelsea to set up different conferences and what not.

Now comes the ResLife app... so around November, Heather Day (bless her soul) came by with 2 invitations, for Jordyn and myself. They were from Heilet, the Residents Director (she is a big deal) they were inviting us to apply to become an RA! I tried to avoid that for a long time but then I finally decided that I should accept the invite and get to know a little about it. So I applied, got invited to a "group selection processes", and then invited to join the class!!! This class was the most DREADED part of the day being that it was 2 hours straight of a leadership concept. then we would get a case study on a VERY touchy situation. oh HORRID!

Keep in mind, while doing the classes I was still working with Chelsea on our new project, Utah Conference. This was a conference for all colleges and universities in Utah with a residence hall of some sort. Utah Conference was the weekend after our last classes, and the week before our final interviews. I guess Chelsea loved how well I did because the day of conference, I had 2 Pro-Staff and 3 RHA executives approach me and say “Next NCC eh?” After working with an NCC, that was the last thing I wanted! So I went to the RHA adviser and told her, “Tracy, I cannot be the NCC! There is no way I would be successful, and I am still so young! I haven’t even been to a conference yet, unless you count this one. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fight to get me an RA job in Central!” Well you see Tracy loves me and she said she would do her best.

I interviewed with the 2 RD’s of central campus peeling to get a job with them because this is the ONLY area I want to live in. I told them “I worry about working in the LLC because of personality types.”

Now we are back to Thursday, Adoption Day. I had applied to a RA position which would put me in charge of an ENTIRE FLOOR! I would pretty much be in charge of room checks, clearing my floor when there are fires, vacuums, and Programs-- which is what I call a Family Home Evening where you learn about sex. I was so nervous to see where I was going to be staffed. I really wanted Bullen and all ProStaff knew that’s, but they also knew I would be okay with Richards too. And if I had to, I had told Megan that I would work on her staff and live in the girl tower and share a bathroom with 35 girls! (EWWWW) The e-mail didn’t come. Next comes Friday. We were supposed to be notified Friday afternoon so we could enjoy the rest of our weekend… 5:00 Still no e-mail and Rachel was visiting me and Kenzie was with us AND we were going to Tai Wesley’s house (if you don’t know who that is SHAME ON YOU and Google him!... NOW!) So we go to Tai’s… still no e-mail. Then to Relay for Life. It was around 9:00pm and the e-mail came!

“Please see the enclosed letters on behalf of Whitney Milligan, Director of Residence Life.

Is what I read…. So I RAN to a computer and opened the document (I might add here that I ran to the TSC and snuck through the door right as they were locking it!)

“Dear Sara Cody,
Congratulations! On behalf of Housing and Residence Life, I am pleased to offer you a position as the Programming and Events Executive Board member in the USU Residence Hall Association…”

Was next, then the worst thing came. “Living Learning Community area of campus” was all I read… (YUCK!)

So there we have it. I am working in RHA and not as an RA. Senior RA’s pray to get my job and I jumped right over them. I was told that I was picked and it was the only thing that felt right about the whole night. ProStaff has told me that I am the “Whooo Person” of this year’s staff because they knew they wanted to staff me but where I am staffed is the last place they would have put me but how crazy it is in the confidence they have in me and the amazing feeling they all got once I was placed there (Tracey likened it to the Holy Ghost… weird I know).

So what exactly am I going to be doing? GREAT QUESTION! I am going to essentially be the party planner of on campus housing! I am the head of ResLife Week which is a really big party and lots of fun as well as… well housing parties! I will also be in charge of an Area Government (or in regular people talk, I am the Amy Bowie of the LLC).

What is the LLC? Even better questions. So I now live in Central Campus. I have just learned that we are also called “the projects” “the ghetto” or “welfare”. Next year I will be moving to “Beverly Hills” or “daddy’s Mansion”. I am not paying $800 a semester to live here; housing will be paying $1,500 a semester for me to be living there. This is going to be a struggle because they don’t like to participate (another reason I was hired to LLC is to change things up and get them involved). So that is my new job in a nutshell. I will be moving in on August 8th. But I do get my “vote of confidence” next Wednesday and sworn in Thursday! So this is going to be soon. Oh I also get to go to Arizona on a housing conference (housing is paying for that too) on May 22 because of this job, so there are lots of pluses.

Any other questions? I HOPE NOT!


Dawna said…
I hope that your grammar and spelling won't be critical components of your new job. Because, if so, YOU'RE IN TROUBLE! :-)

That being said, I'm proud of you Sara! You'll be GREAT (you always are)!

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