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Bray for Sale!

Quick update about my life with my dogs...
We got him in February 2011 and  I just love him SO MUCH, but he got hit by a car when he was out for a run and had very bad injuries that caused internal bleeding and we lost him.
Yes, it is sad, but I am so blessed to have had him. He was a major goofball and his silly smily just brightened my day. He never barked and when I was feeling stressed he knew it and would just come up and snuggle with me! BEST DOG EVER!!!!! 

So after I lost Mas, Christian felt really bad for me and got me a brand new puppy. One lat I would grow to love and adore, and he would be my forever little buddy...

Meet Bray:

 Yup, I know what you are thinking... 

Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen?

(This is Bray as a little guy meeting Sage, my cousin's dog)

Well, I will tell you! HE IS A MONSTER! If you ask my mom she will tell you she thinks he is the puppy of Satan. He is into EVERYTHING and even more so than  other Dogs....

He throws temper tantrums and then goes to sleep...

Gets into EVERYTHING...

 Including the kitchen sink...

If you ask me, the only time he is cute is when he is asleep
(PS he pulled that blanket off the ottoman so that he could lay on it)


My puppy is out of control! Don't believe me? How many of you can say this was your puppy at 10 weeks?

Look's so sad I know... but don't be fooled!

 Not even a cast and cone could stop him!

 He loves walks! And loves even more to run! This monster while in his hard cast (5 weeks of Hell for me) broke, YES BROKE, 3 splints!!!

But there is some good in him.... 

He loves to take himself on walks...

Collect all the garbage from the trash bag and pile it in the front seat of the car...

and help with mutinous daily tasks...
like brushing your teeth!!!

And our favorite part of the day is 11:00 pm, 
where we sit outside waiting for Christian to come home, 
so he can have his turn with the monster!!!

(It's the only time he will sit still...)

So yeah, my puppy is a monster! and wild as can be. But I do love him!!! 
Headaches, broken everything, and all!

This post really reminds me of this Mary Kate and Ashley video... Enjoy!


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