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Dear Motavation,

Warning: What you are about to read is a product of a major headache, high internal body temprature, and overall current bad mood. Proceed with caution.

Sara Cody
Major: Sociology
Status: Almost Graduated

Yup! That's me, "almost graduated"! That at least is what my roommates and I have named my current situation. I got the opportunity to walk this Spring and am just missing 4 credits. My initial thought is, "Really, what am I going to learn in 4 credits?" but I signed up for the classes anyway.

So I am currently taking 2 online classes. 1 is about art, super boring lectures online and I am also required to go to performances. If I have learned anything in the last 4 years at USU, it is that if I am required to do ANYTHING, the motivation to get it done drops like to "negative a thousand!"

My other class is Social Psychology. This is a psychology class that I have to take to be a sociologist?! OKAY?! That being said, the whole class, that I am taking online, is everything I have learned in my program in the last 4 years wrapped up into one class. Am I grateful for the reminder, not today. Do I think I need this class to succeed? No.

So, what I am trying to say is I have LOTS of homework and don't want to do any of it... therefore I am blogging, and Facebooking, and eating Cheerios (a dry mix of honey nut and Banana Nut (which are only found at WalMart-- I'm a bad person!)).

Here is a list:

5 Things I have learned at USU
1. Pizza always tastes better at "Matilda's".
2. There is a disease called "Cat scratch disease" (Totally going to have to blog about this one day!)
3. Sociologists don't shop at WalMart.
4. I have NO motivation to finish this.


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