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Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

1. There are a lot of pictures I like better than this one but...
2. I am growing my afro out and wanted to be able to show it.
3. I am on the greatest team in the world... is consists of my roommate Christina Marie and myself.
4. I miss home and secretly want to move back... eventually (no longer a secret is it?)
5. I love the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars... "I'll be lounging on my couch just chillin' in my Snuggie, switch to MTV so they can teach me how to duggie."
6. The majority of the objects I own are pink
7. My favorite color is yellow.
8. If I am having a bad day all you need to do is bring me a Mountain Dew
9. I have a picture of a monster hanging on my wall. It is one of my most prized possessions.
10. I love Christian Taylor Browne-Frazier to the sky.
11. I currently have more clothes on my floor than I do in my closets (2), hampers (3), and dressers (2)... combined!
12. I am so happy for Opening Day (Red Sox Opening Day that is) and BASEBALL SEASON
13. My bedroom door says "I LOVE IT WHEN YOU CALL ME BIG Papa" because my door tag says "Papa" on it instead of "Sara"
14. I have steps shaved into the back of my hair. It was for a fundraiser after the earthquake in Japan.
15. I am so excited for this Conference Weekend and mostly Sunday because Christian and I are going.


AggieMay said…
I'll look forward to a month full of posts. :) Yippie!
Chris said…
I didn't know your favorite color is yellow.
Sara said…
Yup (color of my bedroom walls remember?) and my favorite number is 3... Still not sure why you wanted to know the number.

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