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Taking Stock

As I said in yesterday's post, I am all about becoming a new me in 2015, and I don't really know what that looks like. But I have to know where I am to know where I am going and see improvement, right? So today I am Taking Stock!


Making : I am currently making this bag, but I have also been making I Spy blankets which I love!
Cooking : We have been super into quinoa. I have only made it as a rice replacements so far, but I have big plans!
Drinking : WATER! I love it! Honestly! I do go through phases but I have been craving water lately. Possibly because of so many medication changes as of late, but whose complaining?
Reading: Looking For Alaska by John Green.
Wanting: a donut! haha Christian and I have been working on cutting carbs. I have cut cake and donuts and sweets like that where he has cut actual bread. I CRAVE DONUTS! He gets them at work.
Looking: We are currently looking at HSN. The Origami Folding 4-tier Multipurpose Shelves. Christian wants one. We are also looking for an apartment! We found one we love! We will find out if we got it on Monday.
Playing: Ticket to Ride has been our family's game of the season. My own personal fav is on my iPhone called 7 words.
Wasting: Time. Always. Napping. Always.
Sewing: A lot. I am about to start some projects for baby Ginger's nursery! Whooohoo! 
Wishing: I was sitting in my super comfy seat but it is in storage :(
Enjoying: Quality time with the Hubs! Every morning before he works we have been going on adventures which has been a blast! Makes me miss him when he is at work.
Waiting: for my Julep box! 
Liking: Xlear nose spray. Got rid of my cold in 1 day- 4 doses. 
Wondering: What if what I see as green is what you see as my red yet we both agree that it is green? I have been pondering this one for weeks now. And can dogs see color?
Loving: CHRISTIAN!!!!
Hoping: For a headache free year... 
Marveling: Over this potential apartment! I am obsessed! 
Needing: A massage! My muscles are so tight.
Smelling: I am obsessed with Honey by Mark Jacobs, but all I can smell is my stinky doggy!
Wearing: 3x shirt, scarve, some leggings and booties is my go to outfit. 
Following: HONY on Instagram! Thats Humans Of New York. I love that page. Teaches me each day the value of a person and never to judge someone because you don't know their story.
Noticing: Gas prices! Aren't they great!? $2.04 today! 
Knowing: I know that I have way too much fingernail polish. But I don't care.
Thinking: I shoudl be in bed (and it is only 10:30 pm and I have taken 3 naps... My life!)
Feeling: Tingly toes. sciatic pain, sharp tailbone pain, sore shoulders, earache, headache, sore throat, and itchy eyes... but who's complaining?
Bookmarking: Lots of stuff on Pinterest
Opening: an Easy shop! Atlas that's my dream.
Giggling: As we now watch Finding Nemo. "Why are you sleeping?" is the part we are at.
Feeling: Sleepy

Here is a blank one for you and for future me!

Making :
Cooking :
Drinking :

There we have it. Thats who I am today! 

Excited to meet me tomorrow!


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