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Now that i have been "vacationing" up here at Utah State for a substantial amount of time, i have made a list of the top 5 things that peeve me, and am now blogging to share them with you.

5. Maintenance- So i understand that these housing guys have a lot of houses to fix, but they don't prioritize! it took them a good 4 weeks to fix our heat! and heat in Logan is kinda a big deal! they have however come over to immediately fix our:
~lights (it was 10 am when we called and they were here at 10:15... it's day time!)
~door (this was an issue because it wouldn't shut ("what do you mean it doesn't shut, have you tried to shut it?"... they think 208 is dumb)
~shelving issue. it was RATHER LATE but the guy who brought it was nice

4. Dr. Cann and his WONDERFUL quizzes. he seems to know what days i didn't read! because i read EVERYDAY except the few and that's when he gives the pop quiz that asks for the exact term.... humm thanks a lot robo-spice! (just made that name for him right now!)

3. The roommate and toilet paper issue. So first off my roommates love to shop, but hate to buy toilet paper! i don't understand. so we go a full day with out any every time we run out... unless its my turn! it is beyond me why these girls do not see that we only have one roll left and it is their turn to buy. ALSO another peeve that goes with this is that when they use the last square, they don't replace it, and we keep the toilet paper around the little wall thing so then you are still wet cuz you just peed and have to somehow get a new roll of tp so you can wipe!!! it drives me nuts!

2. people who talk all through class... and not even about any subject that has to do with class... ALRIGHT GIRLS you obviously aren't learning anything and we don't care about your hair! the teacher doesn't take attendance, WHY ARE YOU HERE?!? LEAVE!

1. THE PHONE- so i think this is a Utah thing or something! but when the phone rings, they answer it (as does the rest of the world) but then have the conversation with the person on the other end with everyone else standing around and try to yell over is, or even worse, ask us to be quiet. Excuse me?!? we are actually having a conversation with someone who is ACTUALLY HERE! how about you excuse yourself into another room where it is quiet so you dont have to yell and we don't have to hear it (although some half conversations are rather amusing and can be interpreted in many ways!)! even worse is when they have the conversation in front of an audience, hang up, then say "oh gosh i cant believe... hennah hennah" so the audience is intrigued but the phone user "cant talk about it" WELL Heck we already know half of it, please do enlighten us, or leave the next time.

thanks for reading!



Dawna said…
Great post! You made me giggle - and all those things would peeve me too!

I also love the new blog layout. It looks more like your cool Aunt Dawna's blog :)

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